Monday, September 19, 2022

Where have all the hurricanes gone?

Wasn't this hurricane season supposed to be among the worst because of global warming, oops, I mean  (in accordance with woke high priests) climate change?

In Florida, we're still waiting. I've probably jinxed it; one might be arriving shortly. The first one now is hitting Puerto Rico. It was a category one, now category 3--much less destructive than the category 5 storms that cause the most damage.

Aside from this late arrival, this was supposed to be a continuation of the growing number of hurricanes, as predicted by, well, you know whom--the usual chicken littles. Here, for example is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, an arm of the Commerce Department, which under the Biden administration is an arm of Susan Rice and other puppeteers:

Forecasters at NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center, a division of the National Weather Service, are predicting above-average hurricane activity this year — which would make it the seventh consecutive above-average hurricane season. NOAA’s outlook for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season, which extends from June 1 to November 30, predicts a 65% chance of an above-normal season, a 25% chance of a near-normal season and a 10% chance of a below-normal season. [Emphasis added.]

Guess we beat the odds. As even NPR--the taxpayer funded arm of climate change hysterics-- reported about the slow-starting hurricane season: "This is quite unusual and is the first time that has occurred since 1997, and is only the third time that has happened since 1950." 

But, oh dear, things still can get horrible,  NOAA still expects above normal Atlantic hurricane season.  (Updated today.) And every admission that somehow the hurricane season got off to a slow start comes with a warning that things could get a lot worse, Just one category 5 hurricane could make for a historic season, don't ya know. 

Maybe so. But I'm waiting to hear the "experts" tell us that climate change explains all this. If there's flooding, blame climate change, If there's a drought, blame climate change. Well, here's a flash: The climate's always changing from the first appearance of climate. We're in a warming cycle, but if were in a cooling cycle, the same experts would be warning that Chicago will get buried by a mile-high glacier, like it once was not too long ago in Earth age.

Yet, the media, notoriously ignorant about real science, keep suggesting that a single event is sure proof that man-made warming is real. (Never mind that the public health experts junked their expertise by inaccurately, whether by design or incompetence, giving dangerous and wrong advice about snuffing out the Covid-19 pandemic.)

As the New York Times reported about the storm surge in Alaska:

Brian Brettschneider, a climatologist based in Anchorage, said global warming had likely contributed to the severity of the storm. The explosive development of storms this far north is atypical, he said, because water temperatures are normally too cold to allow tropical cyclones to form.“There’s a strong argument to be made that climate change tipped the scales to favor this storm,” he said. [Emphasis added.]

Of course.  

NOAA continues to document how the climate is changing, how sea ice is melting and how carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are rising, as it should. And I'm not going to be guilty of denying that the climate is changing because of a one-off event, as do so many media . 

But there's this; Can mankind really control the climate? Do you think that we can turn the climate stable, forever unchanged to suit our perceived needs? Is not it arrogant to argue that, at least at this point, that we can turn the climate into our handmaid, as if we had a thermostat that we can turn up or down? Can we be certain that every climate variable, known and yet to be known, is correct and accounted for in the climate models upon which so much of the predictions of disaster based?

There's no such thing as "settled science" as Al Gore and his doomsayer acolytes have said about climate change. Instead, climate change, just like the pandemic, has become politicized to serve the purpose of someone or something. 

So, let's truly "follow the scene" instead of corrupting it. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Batten down the hatches. Ian’s coming!

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