Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bankruptcy=No Bonuses

If AIG had been left to fail--as it, GM and a raft of other "troubled" institutions should have been--there would have been no bonuses paid to its executives. Those receiving the bonuses would have had to line up for their money just like everyone else that was owed money--bondholders, suppliers, consultants and the rest. That's why we have bankruptcy, but no, the politicians had to fiddle with it all, arrogant in their thinking that they could foresee all and run the business.

And, so, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, President Barack Obama, Sen. Chris Dodd, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of the clowns who insisited on the bailouts, stimuli, TARPs and all the other give-aways are sinking into an ever-deeper political quagmire today for abetting the bonuses.

Poetic justice, indeed.

City repaves park roads first

Here's how Mayor Richard M. Daley corrupts city priorities with his fixation on snagging the 2016 Olympics. While his administration asserts that the city doesn't have enough money to fix major streets, it's repaving the streets on the Olympic site first.

It's what you get when dolts repeatedly elect a dictator to run things.

DeSantis replies to Trump

 "Check the scoreboard." Follow this link: